Where curiosity blooms and learning begins!
At Oakhill Day School, Kindergarten students experience a dynamic and well-rounded education with daily Physical Education and specialized instruction from dedicated science teachers. Through an emphasis on phonics, reading, and communication arts, young learners build strong foundational skills. Enriching their academic journey, our Kindergarten program nurtures curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning, preparing students for a bright and successful future.
Every Day is Special in Kindergarten
Kindergarten is full of special curriculum days that make a student's first year of elementary school memorable and fun!
- Scarecrow Day
- 50th Day Celebration
- 100th Day
- Bear Day
- Lifecycle Study - Hatching Chicks
- Reading Buddies
- Graduation Celebration
Our Kindergarten students grow in independence and take on greater responsibility for their learning as the school year progresses. They actively engage in their education, exploring new concepts and skills while developing the confidence to make choices and tackle challenges on their own. This journey not only fosters a love of learning but also prepares them for future academic success.
Kindergarten Annual Tuition & Fees
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
Tuition includes all educational expenses for students, membership dues for PTO, and all fees.
Additional Fees
In addition to tuition, you may also be charged for the following:
- School Supplies: Costs vary per year and grade level
- Lunch Program: Optional through 3rd Grade
- Extended Care through our Kids' Club: Dependent on usage
Due upon acceptance and enrollment:
- A non-refundable tuition deposit of 15% per child is due with the signed enrollment contract
- Completed paperwork for the current school year.
Payment Options
Affording private education takes careful financial planning, so we have provided several options to help you make a significant impact on your child's future.
Options include:
- One and Two Pay Discounts
- Monthly Payments
- Tuition Assistance
Oakhill offers multi-child discounts as well for families looking to enroll multiple children.
For the 24-25 School Year, discounts applied are as follows:
- 1st and 2nd child receive a discount of $100/half day enrolled up to $1,000 off
- For 3 or more children enrolled, please contact your Admissions Office for information.
Learn more about Tuition Assistance
*If inquiring for the mid school year, please contact the Admissions Office for prorated tuition rates and sibling discounts.
Kindergarten Curriculum Overview
Lower School Faculty
Kindergarten is a crucial time in the educational career of any child. First friends, learning habits, and independence thrive during a child's kindergarten year, but how do you know which school is best suited to help your child reach their best potential?
Prepare to ask the right questions when looking for school and student success with these 25 questions to ask when looking for a kindergarten program.
Kindergarten in Action!
It’s the year of the snake! Happy Lunar New Year! To welcome in the new year, the kindergarten classes took time to learn more about this joyful holiday and make connections to their own lives.
In a recent lesson, kindergarten students worked on representing two-digit numbers with edible manipulatives, making the lesson hands-on and fun!
The kindergarten students have recently been working through a thematic gingerbread unit, incorporating literacy and math skills with hands-on activities.
Kindergarten has been learning all about corn during their first semester thematic unit. From planting, to observing, to harvesting, to tasting, they’ve seen the whole process!
We had a special visit from Neena Patel, mom to our very own Krish and Arjun, who joined us to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights!
At Oakhill, we understand you have a choice when deciding on the right school for your child. We also understand it is a big decision, so here is why keeping your child at Oakhill Day School can set the stage for a lifetime of learning and success.
You know it's fall time at Oakhill when the kindergarten students go on parade for their annual Scarecrow Day! This special tradition not only showcases innovative scarecrow costumes, but includes a day of thematic learning.
Each year, kindergarten students perform chosen nursery rhymes in class, further developing their listening and speaking skills. This year they combined their nursery rhyme unit and technology to create a special presentation for Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day. Each child chose a rhyme to recite, including making and gathering their own props and costume pieces.
Kindergarten students are growing corn with the help of the ODS Living Lab. Students are currently observing three varieties of corn and measuring their growth. Soon they will harvest the plants and use the corn to further their knowledge during a thematic corn unit.