ACORN Monthly
A Summer of Memories and a New School Year Ahead: In a Nutshell
Dear Oakhill Families,
Another month has gone by since I last wrote! I spent July watching SHARK week on The Discovery Channel, enjoying our first 4th of July party at the farm, visiting Brooke in Washington DC for a long weekend (she gave us a personal tour of the Capitol), welcoming a new kitten to our home (Rascal), watching the new Twisters movie (a good one, but I am still partial to the OG), and getting swept up in the summer Olympics (how about that US pommel horse standout)?
Technically, summer is still going strong … another 52 days to go until the official start of fall! But, in a school sense, summer is coming to a close and SCHOOL is starting! It is “back to school” season … the supplies, the clothes, the backpacks and more! Back in my day, we headed to Metro North Mall for a day of school clothes shopping - the Jordache jeans, the button down oxfords, parachute pants, and converse hightops. I wasn’t even able to even wear these new clothes until the temperatures cooled off! I picked out my Trapper Keeper along with the other important supplies, grabbed a new Jansport backpack (I still carry one today), and I was READY for a new school year!
With all of that said, I truly love this time of year - the planning, the excitement, and the anticipation - only a couple of weeks until we officially begin our 2024/2025 school year. As I head into my 18th year at Oakhill (my 32nd start of school as an Educator), I am as excited today as I was then … just a bit older and wiser. I am proud you have chosen Oakhill. We (every department, every division and every facet of the school) are here for your children. We constantly reflect on our mission and who we are as a school - “to challenge, to know, to value, and to inspire our students to be their best selves.” We strive to ensure our mission is in motion every single day!
We worked hard this summer; we accomplished a great deal! We spent time together debating, discussing, and determining direction for the coming year! What did we do really well last year, and what can we do even better during the coming year? I can’t wait to share our theme for the 24/25 school year! Through this theme, you will see a stronger focus on who we are and what we do best; you will see a focus on character education, higher standards in all facets of the school day, and the strongest academics we can deliver. Fundraising will continue to be a focus; we are excited to share our path forward with regards to The Mighty Oak Fund, Auction, and The Welcome Project!
We have a team of educators and staff who are committed to reaching each and every student each and every day. We are here to listen, to assist, to guide, to be partners in the educational journey, and to be here for your children. We will make our decisions with the children and mission of the school in mind; the students (as a whole) always come first. Children, whether they are two, seven, or fourteen, want a school community where they are valued and known as individuals; they want a learning environment where they can question, discover, and grow. Oakhill students want high standards, clear expectations, and a teacher who can recognize and appreciate the gifts they bring. We WILL provide such a place!
I cannot say enough about this team of educators and professionals … their commitment, dedication, passion and talent. Our students are fortunate to have these people in their lives!
Here are a few updates and highlights for the coming school year:
New Positions and People - We have a couple of new faculty and staff members this year as well as a few title changes! All of the puzzle pieces are almost in place.
Here are the new hires since the last ACORN article.
Kaitlyn Lafferty - Kaitlyn will be assisting Kathy Clark in the Pretoddler Classroom this year. Kaitlyn is currently working on her degree in Early Childhood Education, and she has shown her commitment and flexibility while leading a Preschool class in the summer program.
Delaney Zimmermann is now Oakhill’s Director of Student Support Services. Although the heart of her role has not changed, this title is more reflective of her overall role overseeing a growing program.
Taylor Clevenger’s new title is Assistant Head of School for Non Academic Affairs. Although his role hasn’t significantly changed, he will oversee gym rentals, auxiliary programs, athletics, health and wellness, and the lunch program. I’m excited to have his business acumen integrated into these spaces.
Dorothy Beckham’s title has shifted ever so slightly to Director of Admissions and Enrollment. Although most see these two as the same, they take on a different mindset - Admissions means recruiting, touring, accepting families; Enrollment is geared towards ensuring our families stay … continue their educational journey with us!
You will find the full listing of our faculty and staff on the website! I am so proud of this crew that has been assembled … that has taken a seat on the proverbial bus. I truly believe everyone is in the right seat for this year! We also have some strong mentors to lead our new faculty and staff, guiding them and sharing the Oakhill traditions and ways.
Substitute Teachers: We are always looking to grow our substitute teacher database! If you know anyone with at least 60 college hours who would be a great fit for Oakhill, please let us know! Our substitute daily rate is $140.00 for an 8 hour day.
Summer Program: We have had a “Fully Charged” summer; the campus has been full of fun, freedom and laughter. The students had a great time-it was simply kids being kids, and our teachers and teaching assistants created the perfect environment for summer fun! Taylor Clevenger and Jaci Ebert led a talented group of teachers and assistants this summer! Delaney Zimmermann led the tutoring department supporting our students academically during the summer months. Many of our alumni came back to work this summer; their presence made an impact on the children and the climate. I am proud of the quality service we offer in the summer, and I credit Taylor and Jaci for making the vision come to life each and every day.
Back to School Bash & Activities Fair (Tuesday, August 13th from 5-7 pm): We invite ALL students and parents to this FUN night - giving students the opportunity to drop school supplies, meet teachers, see classroom spaces, pick up schedules (middle) and for students and parents to find out about morning club opportunities, after school activities, athletics, PTO volunteerism and events, and much more! Our new lunch provider, FLIK, will provide a treat as well!
Calendar: The most up to date and accurate information will always be available on the school’s calendar. Please double check the calendar for updates on a regular basis.
First Day of School Info: You will receive additional communication regarding car lines, first day of school details and messages from Mr. Tim Ziegler (Early Childhood and Lower School Division Director) and Mrs. Margaret Sarver (Intermediate and Middle School Division Director) as we get closer to the date!
As I await my 49th “first day of school.” I do love my “job”-the good, the bad, and the challenges. This work is so rewarding! I always take a “school picture” to capture my first day … a fresh start to a new year … a snapshot of this specific moment in time! There is nothing like that first day!
I can’t wait to be on this journey with you! I am honored you chose Oakhill; we are all grateful and appreciative!
Enjoy the rest of your summer,