Fun with Counting!

Ms. Hule's Spanish Class

Learning to count in Spanish is a skill that starts in Early Childhood and continues throughout your student’s learning journey here at Oakhill. Starting in Preschool, one of the kids’ favorite ways to practice their Spanish counting is by playing a dice game with a partner.

We start with one die, as some Preschoolers can only count to 5 or 6. We work on counting to 10 in Preschool, so most Pre-K students can handle using two dice to play. In Pre-K, we work on counting to 20. Of course, we also have fun songs to help us practice counting!

Feel free to try the dice game at home with your student!  If you are unsure how to pronounce the numbers, there are tons of songs on Youtube that you can find to help you out. Your child will correct you if you get it wrong!


Pre-K Students playing a dice game in Spanish