The Pretoddlers have enjoyed being back at school and playing with their friends. We are excited to see true friendships developing in the class with the lifeskill of compassion and kindness showing through sharing during center time play.
Our pretoddlers recently wrappe up their winter theme. Students learned that the winter season is cold and we need to wear a coat to keep warm. Winter can also be filled with white snowflakes! They loved singing their snowflake song and pretending to melt to the ground when the sun came out to play.
Using the book If Snow Came Down in Colors by Sarah Baylor, our students reviewed our colors and used our imagination to create a colorful snowman.
Our pretoddlers also had a chance to experience winter first hand through playing in the snow! First students played with snow inside. It sure was cold on our fingers. Next they went outside to enjoy the snow wearing their boots! It sure was fun to stomp in the snow, roll in the snow, and throw it up and watch it come down.