Parent Teacher Organization

Message from the PTO President

We are excited to have you as a valued member of the Oakhill Day School Parent Teacher Organization! Our mission as a PTO is to promote positive relationships and connections between Oakhill Day School parents, teachers, administrators, and the Board of Trustees through the organizing and planning of engaging community events and activities. PTO provides a forum for open communication among our community to support and enhance Oakhill’s mission, vision, and core values.

Our main goals and objectives are to:

  • Organize inclusive community events, activities, and fundraisers throughout the school year. 
  • Enhance the educational and recreational needs of the students through Adopt-A-Cause for particular needed items every school year.
  • Support our community through coordinating classroom parties, teacher appreciation, and planning opportunities to connect parents, students, and staff.

Who can join?

Every parent, teacher, and administrator currently at Oakhill is automatically a member of our Parent Teacher Organization!

To find contact information on our PTO Executive Board members and committees, please log-in to the HUB or email your questions to Maggie Newhouse.

I look forward to meeting you all and seeing you at a PTO event soon!

Tammy Wright
PTO Board President



PTO Calendar

Get to Know Your PTO