Oakhill Day School PTO Executive Committee Position Descriptions
The President of the Oakhill PTO is the leader of the Executive Committee. The main role of the PTO President is to preside over all PTO meetings and supervise and offer support to all PTO events. The PTO President is responsible for creating and maintaining a positive and cohesive community by working pro-actively with the Head of School to support the overall education and environment for students, their families, and the faculty and staff. The commitment of the President is to attend monthly meetings and multiple PTO events held during the school year.
This is a 2-year term.
The President-Elect is a member of the PTO Executive Board and, in the absence of the President, shall perform their duties. The main role of the PTO President-Elect is to support the President and is expected to automatically become the President of the PTO once the current President completes their term. Other responsibilities will include overseeing committees and duties assigned by the President and the Executive Committee. The commitment of the President-Elect is to attend monthly meetings and multiple PTO events held during the school year.
This is a 2-year term.
The Vice-President is a member of the PTO Executive Committee and, in the absences of the President and President-Elect, shall perform their duties. The main role of the Vice-President is to support the President(s) and Executive Committee. Other responsibilities will include overseeing committees and duties assigned by the President and the Executive Committee. The commitment of the Vice-President is to attend monthly meetings and multiple PTO events held during the school year.
This is a 1-year term.
The Secretary is a member of the PTO Executive Committee and record the minutes of all meetings. Other responsibilities may include duties assigned by the President and the Executive Board. The commitment of the Secretary is to attend monthly meetings and multiple PTO events held during the school year.
This is a 1-year term.
The Treasurer is a member of the PTO Executive Committee. The Treasurer duties include working with the Oakhill Day School Director of Finance to ensure responsible receipt and disbursement of all funds of the organization, in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures of the Oakhill Day School Board of Trustees. The Treasurer reports to the Executive Committee the status of our funds at the meetings and other times requested by the Executive Committee. Other responsibilities may include duties assigned by the President and the Executive Committee. The commitment of the Secretary is to attend monthly meetings and multiple PTO events held during the school year.
This is a 1-year term.
Room Parent Coordinator
Room Parent Coordinator is responsible for communicating with all Room Parents and help facilitate classroom party sign-ups for three parties throughout the year (Halloween, Holiday, and Valentine’s Day). Room Parent Coordinator also assists Room Parents in coordinating a teacher(s) appreciation gift. Other responsibilities may include duties assigned by the President and the Executive Committee. The commitment of the Room Parent Coordinator is to attend monthly meetings and multiple PTO events held during the school year.
This is a 1-year term.
Divisional Parent Liaisons
The Parent Liaisons are members of the PTO Executive Committee and are representatives from their respective education division (Early Childhood, Lower School, Intermediate, and Middle School). Parent Liaisons duties are to represent their child’s division and support the PTO Executive Committee, attend monthly meetings and give input on events that would align with their represented division. This also allows you to gain knowledge of the PTO Executive Committee duties. Other responsibilities may include duties assigned by the President and the Executive Committee. The commitment of the Parent Liaison is to attend monthly meetings and multiple PTO events held during the school year.
This is a 1-year term.