Holiday Hoopla


The Oakhill PTO is excited to announce Holiday Hoopla, a one-day boutique shopping experience benefiting the students of Oakhill Day School. We would like to invite merchants of all types to participate in our fundraising gift market event.

Holiday Hoopla will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2025 from 9am to 3pm at Oakhill Day School. We hope that you will choose our event to promote and grow your business while helping a good cause.

There are two sizes of booth space available this year. Each 8’ x 8’ booth is $60 and a 10’ x 10’ booth is $85. Access to an electrical outlet is available on a limited basis. Vendors may bring any sales tools, tables, racks or displays as long as it fits in the assigned booth space. We do not require vendors to share a percentage of profits from their sales, but we do ask each vendor to provide Oakhill Day School with a basket or small item for our Auction Fundraiser (the estimated value for the item should be at least $25) or a small item for our door prize give-away during the Holiday Hoopla event. Oakhill Day School is a non-profit organization and all donations are appreciated.

The event facility offers easy access to parking and loading/unloading zones. The committee will make every effort to make specific accommodations while working to separate like vendors. Booths will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure variety, each business is limited to one vendor (i.e. one Pampered Chef, one Thirty-One, etc). We recommend returning your application quickly!

Advertising for Holiday Hoopla will be on local event calendars, social media, school communications (email, newsletters, and website), and displayed during Holiday Hoopla. We will distribute information to local businesses throughout the Northland (Gladstone, Kansas City, Liberty, and Parkville).

Please review the terms of participation carefully before completing the vendor application. Best Wishes,

Ali Mordhorst ~ Alyssa Kimbrough

Holiday Hoopla
November 15 ~ 9am-3pm

Will your booth require electricity?
I will be providing a silent auction item or door prize give-awayrequired

I, the undersigned, hereby release and agree to hold harmless Oakhill Day School and the Holiday Hoopla committee from any damage to my property or personal injury which I or my helpers sustain while participating in the event on November 15, 2025.

Further, I agree to abide by all policies and guidelines developed by the Holiday Hoopla committee. I understand that failure to follow these guidelines can mean my dismissal from this years or future events.

I understand that a request for a particular booth space and amenities does not guarantee that I will receive the requested location or amenities.

I understand that my rental space fee cannot be refunded after submission. I understand that Oakhill Day School does not carry insurance to cover my personal property and that I will store my products at my own risk.

Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Do you have a discount code?required
Must contain only letters
Click here for the Vendor Terms of Participation.

Oakhill Day School / 7019 N Cherry Street, Gladstone, MO 64118 / p 816.436.6228 /

Payment Information

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<p><em>Please know that this order is not complete until the cash/check payment is received in the ODS Finance Office.&nbsp;</em></p>